On Tuesday evening, February 27, a group of Foggy Bottom Association members gathered to discuss priorities for the FBA for 2018. From a long list of ideas generated at the November Annual Meeting, those present winnowed and prioritized and re-organized suggestions into action steps. The top five priorities are:
Hold a spring arts festival/party with the intent to raise the FBA’s profile and sign up new members
Increase retail in the neighborhood to meet community needs (e.g., full-service grocery store, “real” farmers market with more fresh produce and fewer pre-made items)
Develop a database of volunteers and contact information (e.g., computer/smartphone assistance, transportation)
Develop and publicize a list of services available through DC government
Serve as a clearinghouse for observations/complaints about neighborhood issues (e.g., trash, homeless encampments, rats) and keep FBA members informed of progress
The FBA will need volunteers to make these ideas reality. If you are interested, please send your contact information to president@foggybottomassociation.org, along with a sentence or two about how you would like to help. And stay tuned to all of the FBA’s communications channels – much more to follow!