GWU Day of Service & Earth Day Clean Up
Sunday April 21st, 2024 GWU and Foggy Bottom Association hosted a Earth Day clean up event. What a success! Wood chips to refresh the Dog Park were provided by DC's DDOT Urban Forestry Division. GWU students and neighbors pitched in and moved the truckload of woodchips into the dog park, creating a fresh topcoat. Groups of GWU students raked and bagged debris in the 26th Street Park Plaza, the greenspace in the 1000 block of 26th Street (between K and L Streets NW), 26th and I Street, spruced up Snows Court, and two dedicated neighbors mulched the 26th Garden mid-block. So much work made easier with many helping hands. A special thank you to Carolyn Pierson, GWU Student, who organized over 30 GWU students to help. Well done!
In November 2023, board members, neighbors and students worked together to clean up several green space areas in the Historic District. Thanks to Carolyn Pierson, GWU Student Association Director of Sustainability, who organized 30 students for the event.
August 2022, was the 14th annual Convocation and Welcome Day of Service and the first fully in-person event since 2019. The project activities at 61 sites—including about 40 schools ahead of the first day of returning to classes for D.C. Public Schools—mostly around the city were organized by the Honey Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service.
Highlights below and read more here: