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Excessive noise, overgrown weeds and improper storage of trash and recycling are problems in an urban community. The FBA wants to remind the community of existing D.C. laws. If you decide to file a report, if possible document the property and/or areas of concern and record noise violations to upload to your reports.


Noise Disturbances: Any excessive sound, which infringes upon the community’s right to reasonable peace and quiet, is against the law. The District’s law deems unreasonably loud noise as disorderly conduct, a criminal offense in D.C. The relevant portion of the law reads: “Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) can also issue a 61D citation for violations of noise at night between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am in lieu of an arrest. The 61D is a ticket but also constitutes an official arrest. The MPD will arrest individuals who they determine are violating this law. The violation is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine.”   See D.C. Code § 22–1321. 

Trash and Unsanitary Conditions: The D.C. Trash and Litter Regulation governs trash, recycle bins, litter, and construction debris. DC may impose fines on those who do not follow this regulation. (DCMR 21-702.1 provides:  “each owner, tenant, or lessee (or the agent of that person) who has control of or occupies any building, lot, or land within the District shall maintain in clean condition the public space from the property line of that building, lot, or land and extending eighteen inches (18 in.) from the curb line (or the lateral lines of the roadway) into the abutting roadway.”)  Sometimes a conversation with neighbors can resolve issues before they escalate to a police report.

Report Illegal Activity On National Park Land - Call Park Police dispatch:  202-610-7500

Property Maintenance - Weed and Grass Height: District regulations prohibit property owners/tenants from allowing grass and/or weeds on their premises to grow more than eight (8) inches in height. Failing to adhere to the law could lead to fines of more than $500. Serious public health concerns are the reason for this law. Tall grass can trigger respiratory problems like asthma and allergies. Additionally, rats and other vermin like to nest in overgrowth. Failure to comply with a Notice of Violation during the growing season may result in the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) cleaning the property and billing the owner for the cost of cleanup. Often owners will pass this cost on to tenants. The City urges residents to report suspected violations to DCRA.

Trash/Sanitation: Department of Public Works: call 311 or use

Overgrown Areas: call DCRA at 202-442-9557 or via Twitter, @dcra.

Rodents and burrows: call 311 or use

Violations Involving Off Campus Student Rental Housing

If any of the above violations involve rental homes with students, (after reporting to the appropriate D.C. numbers above) document with photos and report to the George Washington University (GWU) and/or Georgetown University. Both universities request documentation on all incidents no matter how frequently they are reported.

GWU Office of Off Campus Student Affairs: Director, Christy Anthony: 

GWU Community Relations On-Line Reporting:

Georgetown University: call Helpline at 202-687-8413. Refer incident to their Student Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP).

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