FBA Annual Meeting
Tuesday, December 1, 7:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83915276056
For access by telephone, dial 301 715 8592 and enter meeting ID: 839 1527 6056
On December 1, the Foggy Bottom Association will convene its Annual Meeting. As part of this meeting, FBA members will vote for new Board members and officers.
Slate of Candidates
President - John George
At Large - Denise Vogt
At Large - Eileen Carey
At Large - Peter Maye (for 2nd term)
At Large - Julia Gustafson (for 2nd term)
7:05 pm - Introductions/Attendance
7:20 pm - Intro of proposed new Board members
7:35 pm - Election
7:50 pm - Explanation of Transition
8:00 pm - Discussion of 2021 Priorities - John George
8:30 pm - Adjourn