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Notes from 2017 FBA Annual Meeting

Following are ideas generated through group discussions at the Foggy Bottom Association Annual Meeting on November 9, 2017. They are in no particular order. The FBA Board will work on organizing and prioritizing these ideas, and developing workable action steps. Watch this space for more information.


Tuesday, November 9, 2017

Potential FBA Goals for 2018

  1. Membership & Communication

  2. Cosponsor event with Foggy Bottom West End Village

  3. Reach out to residents of new buildings

  4. Increase membership

  5. Need membership committee

  6. Focus on West End

  7. Newsletter

  8. Permanent meeting space at West End Library

  9. Increase meeting attendance

  10. Giveaways, drawings, etc.

  11. Schedule meetings before other events

  12. Member survey

  13. Texts to members re meetings, events, etc.

  14. Posters in buildings

  15. Drive traffic to website

  16. Survey website users

  17. Google ads

  18. Survey of Foggy Bottom/West End residents

  19. Access lists of residents – DC government, USPS, etc.

  20. Change date of Annual Meeting

  21. Start FBA meetings with introductions

  22. Name tags

  23. Collaborate with FRIENDS

  24. Collaborate with WECA

  25. Examine role/rules of Foggy Bottom Alert

  26. Encourage use of NextDoor

  27. Increase member communication

  28. Priorities for PUD amenities should be member-driven

  29. Promote FBA in West End Library

  30. ​Services to Members

  31. Service projects

  32. Connect skilled retirees with those needing services/assistance

  33. Tool sharing

  34. Walking buddies – to/from meetings, events

  35. Students

  36. Neighbors

  37. Retail

  38. Need retail committee

  39. Greatest needs are hardware and real grocery store

  40. Arts, Cultural & Social Activities

  41. Spring event (like Holiday Party)

  42. Promote arts activities & Arts In Foggy Bottom

  43. Heritage

  44. Call boxes

  45. Service projects

  46. Activities for kids to engage residents with families

  47. Guided walking tours

  48. Play up history

  49. Collaborate with FRIENDS

  50. Collaborate with WECA

  51. Promote/facilitate access to GW amenities

  52. Improve relationships with students

  53. GW

  54. Engage new GW President

  55. Work more with GW on service projects

  56. Potential course credit for larger projects

  57. Connect students directly with people experiencing homelessness

  58. Infrastructure

  59. Rats

  60. Pedestrian/bike access

  61. E St redevelopment

  62. Virginia Ave bypass

  63. Green space projects

  64. Trees

  65. Beautification


  67. Community farm in Square 1 (UDC)

  68. Homelessness Service Center in Square 1

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