Year Built
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D. Vogt, 2022
On the west side of 25th St. (Nos. 822-828) are four relatively plain individual buildings with varying roof heights and greater depth than the houses across the street. Nos. 824-828 were built in 1886 by John Scanlon, a prosperous saloon keeper.
No. 824 is a plain three story, two bay wide brick rowhouse. EHT Traceries reported that the original doorway was converted into a first floor window (to line up the first floor with the second and third floor windows) and a new doorway squeezed into the space between the new window and the edge of the building.
@1878 - designed and built by owner, Michael Clancey
Source Material
FBA History Project, Foggy Bottom Historic District Walking Tour, "Story Book Row and Foggy Bottom's "Octagon" House." https://theclio.com/tour/2098/12
EHT Traceries, historic area house survey and survey, 1983
A sidewalk view of house and fencing. (D. Vogt, May 2022
The facade view with side entry steps and metal railing. (D. Vogt, May 2022)
The rows prior to renovations in the 1950s. (GWU Gelman Library)
The sde entry with iron rails. (D. Vogt, Dec. 2022)
The facades of the rows in 1983. (EHT Traceries, Nov. 1983)