2637 I Street NW
Year Built
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F. Leone, 2022
Following the construction of the Potomac River Freeway, the three isolated row houses (2635, 2637, 2639 I St.) are all that remains of the once-thriving neighborhood west of 26th Street. The houses were included in the original proposal for the Foggy Bottom Historic District, but omitted from the final designation, so they lack historic protection. The highway construction has left the houses difficult to access.
Nos. 2635 and 2637 were constructed in 1879 by Peter McCartney for owner Gilbert Cannon. The houses are relatively simple and are two stories and three bays wide. The facade features a box cornice with soffit, frieze, and dentils painted white, although slightly different from No. 2635.
1983 - Harold L. Boutin
Source Material
FBA History Project, Foggy Bottom Historic District Walking Tour, "Highway Overlook - Lost Foggy Bottom." https://theclio.com/entry/142862
Frank Leone, Funkstown, "The Highway that Ate Foggy Bottom." Dec. 3, 2022, https://www.foggybottomassociation.org/post/funkstown-the-highway-that-ate-foggy-bottom
EHT Traceries, historic area house survey, 1983
Street view of the three remaining row houses on 2600 block of I Street (F. Leone, 2022)