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914 1/2 25TH STREET NW
Year Built
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D. Vogt, 2022
This group of four brick houses with two bays two and a half stories, Nos. 912-914 1/2, were built, designed, and owned by B.H. Warner & Co. as a speculative project in 1887. The houses have molded brick arches over the windows and a dentilled brick cornice runs the length of the houses.
This house, like No. 914, has doors lowered to ground level and windows fronted by small balconies directly above the doors.
1958 -- Betty Harrison
Source Material
FBA History Project, Foggy Bottom Historic District Walking Tour, "The Historic District's Longest Row."
Foggy Bottom New, June 1958
EHT Traceries, historic area building survey, 11/1983
The sidewalk view with low brick curb and black metal fence. (D. Vogt, May 2022)
A 1959 streetscape view of the rows. (Evening Star, Oct. 1959)
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